Hope Fools: The Death of God

Hope Fools: The Death of God

February 23, 2014 | Josh Graves

Passage: Psalms 90:12

Hope Fools: The Death of God

Psalm 90:12
Teaching available on our website or iTunes.



Otter Creek Family:

This Lent series (Ash Wednesday to Easter) is ultimately a series utterly dependent upon the faith we have that God will raise us from the dead just as God raised Jesus from the dead. That's why the Psalmist (90:12) implores God to number "his days" . . . so that he might live with a clear sense of his purpose and place on Planet Earth.

As promised, here's a LINK to following the Lent calendar over the next several weeks. This prayer journey takes us to the heart of our faith, Easter Sunday. When we shout from the rooftops, "Death is dead. Death is no longer king. Death is on its way out!"

Catholic and Protestant Christians have made this 40 day journey through the Gospels since the inception of the church. I invite you to add this to your daily spiritual habits. It's full of prayers, Gospel readings, and confessions.

Stephen Cave says that Americans fall into one of four categories when it comes to our view of death.

  1. Elixir (science will save us eventually)
  2. Legacy (I will live on in the memories of my loved ones)
  3. Eternal Soul (as an unseen spirit)
  4. Resurrection (body and spirit made new)

It's this last option that Christians have preached for two thousand years. We believe Jesus' bodily resurrection is the preview of our own. Believing that is an act of faith. Living as if it is true takes courage.

P.S. I was recently invited to write a piece for one of the most popular Christian blogs in North America on why I believe in and love the local church. I could not help but reflect upon how much Otter Creek has meant to our family. You can read that piece by clicking HERE.




Series Information

Other teachings in the series

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Hope Fools

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Hope Fools: Fools

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April 20, 2014

Hope Fools: The Road

Holy Week was a tremendous time of remembering Jesus' past and God's...