Hope Fools: God's New Thing

Hope Fools: God's New Thing

March 02, 2014 | Josh Graves

Passage: Philippians 2:12

Hope Fools: God's New Thing

Phil. 2:12 and Isa. 40:6-8
Teaching available on our website or iTunes

Otter Creek Family,

Two things to remember: First, Ash Wednesday worship is THIS Wednesday night at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Some of our OCYGers will be leading this important time of prayer, contemplation, and silence. The focus of Ash Wednesday is to remember our brokenness, death, and promise in Jesus that God is doing a new thing. Second, as I mentioned recently in a sermon, if you are interested in being baptized on Easter Sunday, please reach out to me. I'd love to talk, pray, study with you. Easter Sunday is one of the Sundays the church universal has consistently celebrated the gift of baptism. What better way to celebrate Jesus' new life than baptism?

We focused yesterday on the different places/stages we find ourselves in life; hence the tension of Phil. 2:12 and Isa.40:6-8. Sometimes this is true of us as individuals, communities, nations, etc. But the point is that God is in all of it. The God of life is speaking in the midst of the different places (archaic, mythical, power, traditional, modern, postmodern, integral) of death and confusion.



Series Information

Other teachings in the series

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