Hope Fools: Street Theater

Hope Fools: Street Theater

April 13, 2014 | Josh Graves

Passage: Luke 19:29-40

Hope Fools: Street Theatre

Luke 19 NRSV
Sunday's teaching available via website or iTunes

Holy Week with Otter Creek is off to a great start.

As we wrap up our important work with Habitat for Humanity, I want to reiterate--on behalf of the elders and ministry team--thank-you so much for stepping up with your time, money, resources, and prayers. The official Habitat house blessing happened yesterday.

We also announced yesterday, in both worship gatherings, that we have an opportunity (as we've done in the past) to help with a young child coming to Vanderbilt Hospital for critical medical care. If you can help, please contact Steve Sherman right away ( ).

Ian Muhereza is a 3-year-old by from Uganda who needs open heart surgery. Don Moore (an OC member) and a pediatric cardiologist at Vanderbilt were contacted by Samaritan's Purse about this case. It has been arranged for the boy, his aunt, and a Samaritan's Purse worker (translator) to travel and stay with him throughout his surgery and recovery. He can come as early as May 1st. Samaritan's Purse requested that Otter Creek host the child and family while in Nashville. The medical care and surgery are taken care of by Vanderbilt. We need one family to house the three for approximately one month. Ian will arrive and have the surgical work up and within a week have surgery. He will be in the hospital for approximately 5 days and then released to the home where he will be in recovery for approx. 3 weeks. We also need volunteers from OC to provide transportation to and from various medical appointments and food during that time. We will have a calendar on-line soon for you to sign up.

Thanks for putting love in action. Love does.

Grace and Peace,


Series Information

Other teachings in the series

March 16, 2014

Hope Fools

Hope Fools John 6:51ff Teaching available on our website or...

March 30, 2014

Hope Fools: Fools

Hope Fools: Playing the Holy Fool Podcast available via website or...

April 20, 2014

Hope Fools: The Road

Holy Week was a tremendous time of remembering Jesus' past and God's...