How does following Jesus change the way we see? Join us for Visio Divina; An Art and Faith Conference as we explore this question. Whether you are a ministry leader, pastor, artist, or an art-curious person, everyone is welcome to learn how visual art can be spiritually formative for the individual and the church.

Merge is an opportunity for seriously dating and engaged couples to learn, seek wisdom, and receive counsel abut marriage in an open, safe, fun, challenging, and authentic environment. $45 per couple | OC Brentwood location

Sunday Worship Service Times


This fall our focus is THE WAY OF JESUS.
We will examine the spiritual disciplines that sustained Jesus during his most difficult season of life. Matthew 11:28-30 is our key passage. 

The Otter Creek Church Family has a 95-year-long history of utilizing our resources as a vessel for Kingdom work. We've carried on this tradition as we expanded our reach through the OC West End campus. OC West End primarily serves as a ministry center, where we partner with numerous local non-profits utilizing the building for office space, meetings, training sessions, recovery groups, as well as large or small events. Our aim is to provide an opportunity for collaboration and connection between ministries and non-profit organizations.


The 3534 Store is a pantry located at our West End campus that provides food to families at West End Middle School, Hillsboro High School, Parthenon Towers housing development, and anyone in our community who needs help.

details & how to help here 

Wayne Reed Center is looking for volunteers! Opportunities include general classroom help in the Preschool and Pre-K classrooms, Talking with Toddlers in the Tiny Angels and Busy Bees classrooms, and Lunch Buddies in all classrooms. 

sign up here

Green Street Church of Christ serves dinner to about 40 of our unhoused neighbors every Wednesday night. Otter Creek is able to partner by providing the meal and serving on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. We need your help in order to be able to love these neighbors well! 

bring a meal