Hope Fools: Fools
March 30, 2014 | Josh Graves
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:20-25
Hope Fools: Playing the Holy Fool
Podcast available via website or iTunes
1 Cor. 1:20-25 NRSV
The cross is the source and shape of our salvation. That is, the cross frees us from sin, darkness, murder, and idolatry. Yes, it frees us from death. But the cross is not just the "fact" that God saves us, it's also the way we enter the world on God's behalf. The cross is the source and shape. If you try and claim the source but not the shape, it turns the cross into a private exchange. If you try and claim the shape without the source, it's not sustainable.
This is why Jesus, on multiple occasions, challenges people take up a cross and follow him. Jesus didn't go to the cross so we don't have to. Jesus shows us how we go about taking up our cross wherever we find ourselves.
Take up your cross and follow me.
Christian history is full of people who were willing to play the role of the fool. And the secret of the fool is this: there is more joy and power in living a foolish life for Jesus' kingdom than any other calling. Fools who understand that the cross still stands as the most subversive reality in human history.
It's an invitation.
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