In These Bodies
November 24, 2013 | Josh Graves
Divinity and Dust
Also available on iTunes
Revelation 21/22
Please click on THIS LINK if you missed any of the last three weeks of our fall teaching series, Divinity and Dust. I will be short and succinct--heaven is a big deal, but it's not the end of the world. Heaven is the beginning of God's new world, as it was meant to be.
Two books you might want to read in 2014 on heaven: Randy Alcorn, Heaven and N.T. Wright's Surprised by Hope. I am hoping to do an entire series on heaven in 2014.
I pray you have a beautiful Thanksgiving.
For those who are entering a difficult season, family drama--remember to breathe, and pray, and recite the Lord's Prayer. Whether we are successful or failures--if we are Christian--we believe that our best days are still ahead of us.
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