Celibacy Lost
October 20, 2013 | Josh Graves
Divinity and Dust #8: Celibacy Lost
Texts: 1 Cor. 5, Rom. 12, and Rom. 7:18-20
Audio Available via iTunes or Podomatic
The Christian life is not a pursuit of destroying desire wherever it emerges. The Christian life is the discipline of recognizing that all desire originates from a good place: a desire to be known, to share life, to laugh, to cry, to feel connected. So as desires emerge we become schooled in the Jesus way of allowing our desires to be transformed into acts that help the kingdom expand against the other powers and forces at work in the world. The cross doesn't want to destroy the passion and desires within us, the cross redirects them. The cross doesn't squash desire, it rehabilitates desire and puts our bodies back on a path toward God.
Whether we are talking about family or school or discernment or work or food or sex or sports or . . . whatever . . . Jesus doesn't deaden desire; Jesus awakes desire.
Christian faith is very interested in how we use our bodies to glorify God.
You only get one body. You don't get to trade it in like a used car. This is your body. This is where God intends to use you for God's purposes.
P.S. Last chance to REGISTER for the ZOE conference this weekend at Otter Creek.
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