There are a number of verses in scripture that talk about "bearing one another's burdens", "confessing your sins to one another", "being spiritual and restoring one another", and "coming into the throne room to find grace and help in time of need". They all sound wonderful! But how do we practically do these things? What does it look like on a Monday morning when you are sitting with a despondent friend, or when someone is ready to let go of the hurt, fear, or addiction that is holding them hostage? These are the questions Freedom Prayer seeks to answer.
It can be thought of as "spiritual first aid" designed to powerfully, simply, practically, biblically and effectively address those issues... and many more. The practitioners of Freedom Prayer have come to believe that nearly every Christian can be trained to overcome issues in their own life and help others do so as well. We can find a simple and God-connected way to take the finished work of Christ and apply it to the unfinished work of sanctification within each one of us: the "by the Spirit putting to death the deeds of the flesh" part of Romans 8.
Freedom Prayer grew out of years of trial and error, out of the best ideas of many authors and practitioners of prayer ministry, and out of much prayer and meditation. It is targeted at the identification and removal of limiting entanglements, wounds, sins and beliefs which are aided and abetted by our dark opponent. It is an effective way to identify what God is targeting for healing and freedom.
A typical Freedom Prayer session is very informal and happens in a safe environment. It is conversational, while being focused on connecting and listening to God together in a natural and comfortable way. We believe that God is the only One with the answers we need, and through thousands of prayer settings, we have come to strongly believe that He finds a way to connect and show His wise love to each person who seeks Him together with the team. Typically a two to three person team meets with the individual seeking ministry. We often say to the one we are praying with, "Your job is easy! You are just the reporter of the thoughts, memories, feeling or pictures you have as we ask God/Jesus simple open ended questions."
Freedom Prayer is practiced in a large and growing number of churches, including several in the Nashville area. A great multi-church team has grown to support any congregation wanting to learn more about this prayer ministry. In the past two years, Otter Creek has begun developing a team, first working with church staff and elders to insure every aspect of it fits our culture and beliefs. The team is administered by the elder couple Mike and Jeannie Cagle with support by a dozen others. Over two-hundred individuals have experienced the healing power of Freedom Prayer and many more have signed up and are on the waiting list. Additional training sessions are being planned.
If you would like to know more about it you can visit the web site at or talk to any of the team members or Mike or Jeannie. You can sign up for a prayer session at the Otter Creek web site
Regardless of the outcome, you will be loved and listened to in a safe and friendly environment by people who have first-hand experience with this type of prayer, some many times. And typically you will find a warm and powerful encounter with God, a life changing experience, and great encouragement to reconnect with Him as a lifestyle.
God says that "it is for freedom that Christ set you free". It is for freedom!