Other teachings in the series

School of Love, part one, Welcome to Kindergarten

The School of Love: The Invitation

The School of Love: All the Ways We Love

The School of Love: Love in Action

The School of Love: Friends are Friends Forever (guest: Patrick Chappell)

The School of Love: Friendship in the Kingdom

The School of Love: The Paradox of Parenting

The School of Love: Rigorous Self Examination

The School of Love: Loving Our Enemies

The School of Love: Loving Our Enemies, pt.2 (guest: Joshua Jackson)

The School of Love: Jesus is the Last Scapegoat, pt. 1

The School of Love: Jesus is the Last Scapegoat, pt. 2

The School of Love: Loving Creation

The School of Love: The Gift of Marriage

The School of Love: Created for Covenant Relationship (OC Brentwood: Randy & Rhonda Lowry)

The School of Love: The Gift of Being Single (OC West End: Patrick Chappell)