The Digital Side-Hug: Todd Loyd

The Digital Side-Hug: Todd Loyd

February 09, 2014 | David Rubio

In this episode, David sits down with Todd Loyd, one of his closest ministry friends.  A 19yr veteran of Youth Ministry & former NCYM Board President, Todd is the author of the young adult suspense fiction novel "Dark Ride" and co-host of the popular iTunes podcast "WDW 4 Families", a podcast that helps families make the most their first (or 100th) trip to Walt Disney World.  After briefly discussing the 100 Greatest Christmas Songs of all-time, the Modern Era of Professional Wrestling & Todd's experience playing Chip Osgood in the family classic, "Ernest Goes to Camp", Todd opens up to Rubio about the amazing blessings he and his wife Amanda have received from having a son with Down Syndrome & what it has taught him about youth ministry.

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