ROOTS: Framily, Strangers, Enemies
September 07, 2014 | Josh Graves
Passage: Matthew 5:38-40
Cure for the Common Monday
September 8, 2014
Roots (The Legacy of Jesus)
Framily, Strangers, and Enemies (Matt. 5; Luke 9)
Sunday's teaching and all others - available via website or iTunes
Dear Otter Creek Family:
Yesterday, we explored the volatile Jesus idea that it is possible to love and pray for those who we:
a) despise
b) deem to have nothing to offer us in return
c) consider our enemy (both globally and personally).
Jesus suggests--in a time and culture predicated on "us versus them"--that a different way is possible for those interested in living out his kingdom vision.
The truth is that most days I wake up feeling less than passionate about implementing this teaching into my own life. I mean, I'm barely a Christian before10AM (on a Monday no less). The last thing I want to do is engage someone I don't care for. True confessions.
P.S. Peter Rollins will be with Otter Creek Church this Sunday in both main worship gatherings. If you have a close friend, co-worker, family member who wrestles with doubt and faith . . . this is a great Sunday to invite them. Peter is an internationally respected teacher and writer from Ireland. Remember, the greatest indicator of a church's impact is not the effectiveness of the preacher, the secret of OC is you! Invite someone who's searching. If you are interested in the Saturday Young Adult Conference with Peter, click HERE for more details on how to register.
Grace and Peace,
Series Information