MASHAL: Prodigal Family - The Party is for You
July 28, 2013 | Josh Graves
Passage: Luke 15:11-32
MASHAL: Luke 15
The Prodigal Family
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Prodigal has two meanings: 1) a wayward individual or 2) one who spends lavishly and recklessly. It is in that second sense of the word that we understand the deeper meaning of the main parable in Luke 15. All three characters in the story are (by definition) prodigals. The two brothers are the first kind of prodigal, while the father is the second kind--he spends recklessly on his children while his children want to use their father's stuff for themselves. It's the second definition that leads to the first.
The older brother believes his morality will save him. The younger brother believes his adventures of self-gratification will bring him ultimate fulfillment. Both of them seem to desire their father's stuff more than they desire their father. The older brother is the moral insider. The younger brother is the immoral outsider. One is lost inside the house (the older brother) while the other is lost outside the house (the younger brother).
The music of Jesus' kingdom is playing. And it is playing rather loudly. Invitations are being written. Food is being prepared.
Arms folded. Fists clinched. I hope you don't miss this party. Because there's nothing like it. Nothing in the world like it. Our cities are full of younger brothers and sisters. Our churches are filled with elder brothers and sisters. We need each other. Our cities need elder brothers and sisters to welcome them back to the real father. Our churches need younger brothers and sisters to remind them that Jesus wasn't sent for religious people only, he came for the sake of the world.
I can hear the music playing. It is playing all around us.
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