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Grouped by: Reading Guides

    Reading Guide: Book of Daniel
    05.12.19 | Reading Guides | by Josh Graves

    Daniel is a book about how to live for God in a subversive but hopeful manner when you find yourself in a context in which your fellow citizens and rulers do not share the same values. It's a story about resistance. It's a story of courage. It's...

      The King Has One Week to Live
      02.27.19 | Reading Guides | by Josh Graves

      In March and April we are going to carefully traverse Mark’s “final week” story so that we can grow closer to Christ and each other in our mission to bring heaven to earth (what we pray each week).

        No Longer Slaves
        02.27.19 | Reading Guides | by Josh Graves

        If Jesus is setting us free . . . we can tangibly see the ways in which we are different; no longer needing to be captive to opinions, fear, idols, and insecurity.

          Advent 2018
          12.12.18 | Reading Guides

          Advent, the season leading up to the Church's celebration of Jesus' birth on Christmas day, is a time of waiting.

            Church on Fire
            08.05.18 | Reading Guides

            Acts covers just about everything in the spiritual life: Jesus, apostles, smiting (see Acts 5), inclusion, heaven, hell, justice, sin, forgiveness, hope, resurrection, racial tension, riots, sorcerers, emperors, martyrdom, and shipwrecks! It's...