TPOM has given us a list of those who have been accepted into their program but who are still currently incarcerated. There are 50 people on this list, and we would love for each person to receive a few letters -- that means we need YOU to write a letter! Choose a name from the list below and send a letter of encouragement, reminding them that God sees them, that there is hope for their future, that you are praying for them by name. Then place the letters in envelopes with the first name and last initial written on them and leave them in the basket at the Missions Center in the lobby.


Our Lenten focus for this week is on the sick and the hurting, and we know that there is no shortage of either in our world. Take time each day to pray for those that you know that are suffering from illness and disease. Pray for them by name. Write their names on a piece of paper and tuck it in your pocket, stick it to your bathroom mirror, or set it on the dash of your car where you will be reminded of it all throughout the day. Bring their names before God, knowing that he is near to the suffering and the brokenhearted. 


This week we turn our attention to pray for those in our community and around the world who don’t have warm coats on cold winter days or who wear the same things again and again. Our embodied practice is for us to wear the same outfit multiple times this week. This can look however works best for you. Maybe it’s wearing the same thing twice, or paring down your wardrobe this week to just a few essential items. 

Also, what a great time to also go through your closet and donate what you can do without. We have ThriftSmart bins at both of our campuses, and we would love for you to donate your clothes here!


As we continue to explore ways to Experience Jesus through his words to his disciples in Matthew 25:34-40, we are reminded to welcome the stranger. This week, we have two opportunities to turn our attention toward those in need of safe and loving places of refuge. One local and one global.

WRAP Around Ministry (supporting foster families)

Exile International (provides Christ-centered care to war-affected children in Uganda and D.R. Congo)


As we continue to Experience Jesus in Matthew 25:34-40, we are reminded that Jesus tells us that we will find him in the thirsty and that when we provide something to drink for someone in need, we are doing that for him. This week, our challenge to you is to only drink water. And every time you fill up your glass or find yourself longing for the comfort and caffeine hit of your morning coffee, pray for those around the world that risk sickness with every sip or for the young girls that miss school to travel miles to collect water. Then, at the end of the week, calculate how much money you saved by skipping your morning coffee or your afternoon caffeine hit and donate that instead to Living Water. 


This week, we will be fasting together. This can look however you want. Perhaps you want to fast from one meal each day, or maybe you want to fast for 24 hours, or maybe it’s something like brown-bagging your lunch and not eating out for the full week. Whatever fast you choose, take time to pray for the nearly 100,000 people just in our communities of Davidson and Williamson County who don’t always know where their next meal is coming from and the nearly 35,000 children who go to school hungry or worry about what they will eat over the weekend. 

At the end of the week, donate to the 3534 Store whatever you would have spent. The 3534 Store is a pantry located at our West End campus that provides food to families at West End Middle School, Hillsboro High School, Parthenon Towers housing development, and anyone in our community who needs help. An Amazon Wish List is available to purchase items online and have them shipped directly to the store!*