American Idols
Over the next few weeks I'm going to explore the idols that currently rule in American culture: money, power, image, social media, nationalism...
Life Group is the ideal place to find accountability and encouragement and share life together. Life Groups eat together, pray together, study together, raise children together, serve together, help each other prepare for life milestones, and say goodbye to loved ones. One word to sum up the ideal of life group is TOGETHERNESS.
Groups consist of approximately 10-15 people who meet in various places and homes on a regular basis to support one another in the Christian faith, to draw closer to God, and to serve the needs of others in Christ's name. Most groups meet on Sunday night but are free to meet at any time of the week except times when the whole body gathers together for worship.
It is our desire for everyone at Otter Creek to commit to a Life Group. For more information please email David Knox.
Over the next few weeks I'm going to explore the idols that currently rule in American culture: money, power, image, social media, nationalism...
American Idols Life Group Discussion Guide for October 20, 2019 Who is your favorite... Singer from the show American...
The Heart of Worship Life Group Discussion Guide for October 13, 2019 What have you learned about worship over the last few weeks that you...