March 12, 2023 | Resources | Discussion | Adult by James B. Angus, Jr.

The Blood in Our Veins Series
Life Group Questions
As We also Have Forgiven our Debtors
Lesson Eight: March 12, 2023
- Discuss a time where you forgave your debtor.
- Discuss difficulties you may have or may not have with forgiving someone who has wronged you.
- Bitterness can become a struggle when we obsess over the way or ways in which things have not gone with our forgiveness journey. Discuss the ways in which you see or do not see God moving you towards a more forgiving posture.
- Exercise: Pray for someone who you believe needs forgiveness in your life. Intentionally asking God to give you the strength to forgive as he has forgiven you.
- Prayer: Dear Lord I am weak, I am flesh, and I am flawed, but you O God make me whole. You make me brand new everyday. You make me. O God please provide strength to forgive those who have trespassed us may we forgive as we have been forgiven by you. O Lord keep us in remembrance of your Holy Grace. Amen.