What to Expect
South lot: guest spaces/sanctuary. North lot: church offices/youth wing/access to the Sanctuary.
What to Wear
From flip-flops to suits, we have it all. Be relaxed or dress up, we're just happy to see you.
Worship Style
We have two styles to choose from: the 8:40 gathering is voices only (A Cappella) and our 11am gathering utilizes a band and vocalists.
Teaching Style
Each service and class shares a Biblically-focused message. We love to learn. Sunday Bible Classes are at 10a. For class offerings go to our Classes page under the Ministries tab.
The Otter Creek Church is passionate about a lot of things: Jesus, service, justice, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness to name a few. No matter if you are a doubter or a devout person of faith, there is room for you in this community to explore God.