The Otter Creek Men’s Ministry exists to help men at OC grow in their spiritual formation, connect with other men in fellowship, and serve others for the sake of the Kingdom.

We believe a vibrant men’s ministry can help men become better. We believe it can strengthen families, marriages, the church, and the workplace. Men can run the race of life together, holding each other up, encouraging one another, and calling each other to be the men God hopes for them to be, living fully in His kingdom.
To get involved contact David Knox.

Men’s Ministry Board Game night: Led by Derek Bruff . A time for men to gather and enjoy various board games of their choosing. Look for the next game night on the calendar below!

There are two opportunities each week for men to gather together for community and to pray.
OC West End Parlor
Wednesdays from 6:00a-7:15a led by Hunter Stanfield

OC Brentwood Room 213 - Counseling Office
Thursdays 6:00a-7:15a led by David Duer