October 04, 2020 | Resources | Discussion

The Politics of Jesus
Life Group Discussion Guide for
October 4, 2020
- If you could add anyone to Mount Rushmore, who would it be and why?
- Read John 17:20-21. In today’s environment of polarizing politics, what could it look like for Jesus followers to all “be one” with each other?
- Read Luke 20:21-25. What does this passage have to say about how believers should interact with their local governments?
- Read Acts 22:22-29. Why do you think Paul waited so long to reveal his Roman citizenship?
- List some of your personal identities (American, Christian, man/woman, parent, etc). How would you rank those identities in order of importance? Does your current lifestyle reflect this?
- Close in prayer, asking for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom as we navigate our current times as a nation and as Jesus followers.