The Heart of Worship 7

    September 15, 2019 | Resources | Discussion

    The Heart of Worship

    Life Group Discussion Guide for

    September 15, 2019

    1. What kind of posture do you use when you greet people you love/respect/admire? Do you bow / salute / smile / sneer / run  / hug / shake hands? What do those postures communicate?
    2. Read Psalm 72:8-15. What is the connection between kneeling and blessing the Lord?
    3. How does kneeling make you feel? How does your body feel when you kneel? What effect does kneeling have on you emotionally?
    4. Read these passages and discuss what significance the kneeling posture has in each of these instances.
      1. 2 Chronicles 6:13 and 7:3
      2. Ezra 9:5
      3. Isaiah 45:23
      4. Romans 14:11
      5. Philippians 2:9-11
      6. Mark 5:6
      7. Luke 5:8
    5. Close by having one person read Revelation 4:1-11. Then invite the group to read to Revelation 4:8b, 11 aloud together. If able, the group can kneel as they recite those words together.  

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