Life Group Discussion Questions: The School of Love Part 5

    September 03, 2023 | Resources | Discussion | Adult by James B. Angus, Jr.

    Lesson 5: Jesus Loves His Friends

    (John 15)

    Patrick Chappell

    September 03, 2023

    1. Reflecting on John 15 as a whole, how can the teachings in this chapter strengthen our faith and commitment to following Jesus amidst life's challenges and uncertainties?
    2. What is the central theme or message of John 15, and how does it relate to the broader context of the Gospel of John?
    3. In John 15:1-8, Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and branches. What does this metaphor teach us about our relationship with Christ and the importance of abiding in Him?
    4. In John 15:9-17, Jesus speaks about love and friendship. How does Jesus redefine love, and how can we apply His teachings on love and friendship in our relationships with others?
    5. In John 15:26-27, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to His disciples. What role does the Holy Spirit play in the life of a believer, and how does He empower us to be effective witnesses for Christ?

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