May 06, 2022 | Resources | Discussion | Adult by James B. Angus, Jr.

Torah Tales Genesis 1-2 May 8, 2022
Discussion Questions:
- How do each of you view Chapters 1-2 of Genesis? Read aloud together and discuss.
- In Chapter 1, note how all that God does He says is “good." How do you understand God’s “good” in this context?
- Why do you think there was nothing good on Day 2? Gen 1: 6-8
- Discuss being made in God’s “eikon” (image). How does this resonate with you? Gen 1:26
- Why do you think, when God made humans, the day was “very good”? Gen 1:26-30
- In Genesis 2, there is more detail to Creation. Does this sound like another story to you, or just an in-depth retelling of chapter 1?