February 13, 2022 | Resources | Discussion | Adult

Life Group Discussion Questions for Feb 13, 2022 Sermon
Text: read John 3 and 4
Nicodemus and Jesus:
- What is the significance of Nicodemus approaching Jesus at night?
- How do you relate to Nicodemus in his discussion with Jesus? (John 3:4-10)
- How do you see your literal understanding interfering with your Spiritual understanding in your life?
Woman at the Well: The placement of this story is very significant to the historical narrative of Israel and her relationship to God.
- What is the relationship between Jews and Samaritans during this time period?
- How does Jesus speak to the trauma of the Samaritan women?
- How does Jesus minister to the Samaritan woman in a trifold nature? (mind, body, soul)
- How do “living waters” play a role in your life today? Think of a moment when Jesus has refreshed your being, like the woman at the well, and discuss.