The Word Became Flesh 1

    December 01, 2019 | Resources | Discussion

    The Word Became Flesh:

    Life is Greater Than Death

    Life Group Discussion Guide for

    December 1, 2019

    1. What are you looking to most about this Advent season?
    2. What is the center of your world? How do you make sense of life? What do you know, without a doubt, to be true?
    3. Read John 1:1-5. What parallels do you see to the creation account in Genesis?
    4. What do you love about the John prologue?
    5. How do you know that life overcoming death and light overcoming darkness is really true? 
    6. Share a story about a time that you witnessed life being stronger than death?
    7. If you have an advent wreath, light the Candle of Hope to remember that our hope is based on truth. 

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