Life Group Discussion Questions: Flourish | January 21

    January 22, 2024 | Resources | Discussion | Adult by James B. Angus, Jr.
    FLOURISH | JANUARY 21, 2024

    Josh Graves

    1. Discuss how you bring yourself to Jesus (your personal practice)? 
    2. Discuss what things have kept you from surrendering to Jesus? 
    3. Group exercise: List those things on a small piece of paper. Now one by one discard the barrier and group pray for Jesus to take these away or remove them from your path. 
    4. What lies or myths have you believed about Jesus? 
    5. Group exercise: List those lies and myths and one by one discard and group pray for Jesus to take these lies and fill you with his Truth. 
    6. Discuss ways your group can become more connected. Discuss your path of intentionality to execute this plan. 

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