Worship Ministry Values

Above all else we desire to glorify God in everything we do.

We want to honor our roots and our connection to the church throughout history while still being relevant in today’s culture.

We value the giftedness of our family and will diligently seek ways and opportunities for people to use those gifts for the glory of the Father and the encouragement of His church.

Because we want our worship to be consistent with the eternal character of God we rely on His word for insight and direction.

Our desire is for the worship language of this church to be inclusive and representative of the diversity within the body. This implies appropriate variety in all elements of corporate worship.

We are a family and want all family members to feel included and represented during our times together. We desire to see and hear from a wide cross section of our congregation in our public worship times.

We value participation over performance. We long for everyone in our church to be drawn into worship and to feel that they are a valued part of our offering to the Father.

Since we feel a responsibility to offer only the best we have to God, we value creativity in the planning of worship and excellence in those who lead our corporate expressions of praise.  

We want our worship to be a meaningful, authentic expression of the human heart, from joyful celebration to loss or lament.

We desire to encourage all in our church family to cultivate a lifestyle of worship that transcends our corporate gatherings.