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April 2018: Breathe

by Eric Livingston on April 01, 2018

He is risen. He is risen indeed.

Today is Easter. It is the day we celebrate this unending mystery of resurrection and life. We cannot understand how life reenters the dead, but we cling to this story we have been handed and will share with our children.

Although we will never fully grasp this mystery, sometimes it is worthwhile to create space in our lives without the interruptions of words or people so that we might ponder deeply the wonder of our God. 

The disciplines of silence and solitude are difficult to learn and practice but, for some, they unlock some of the greatest joys in life. To learn more about these disciplines, consider Jim Frost's writing on Silence and Jackie Halstead's piece on Solitude.

In order to help you begin to practice these disciplines, OC offers our 2018 Spring "Breathe" retreat on May 11-13. The retreat will be led by Jackie Halstead and Patrick Chappell at the Bethany Retreat House. The cost is $150. Register online.

You are invited to expand your search for growth beyond this blog and enter the realm of practice at this retreat. We hope to see you there!

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