We Believe 4

    August 02, 2020 | Resources | Discussion

    We Believe in the Kingdom of God

    Life Group Discussion Guide for

    August 2, 2020

    1. If you had a world-changing message to share, how would you go about telling as many people as possible?

    2. Read Mark 1:14-15. What stands out to you about this passage? What can we learn about Jesus from these verses?

    3. The kingdom of God is the way God intended all humans to experience life on planet earth. What changes do you most want to see in the world to make it more like the kingdom of God?

    4. Name some practical ways that you as an individual, and we as a church, can participate in kingdom life. How can we help bring the kingdom to earth as it is in heaven?

    5. Spend time in prayer together, asking that we would become more aware of our role in God’s kingdom, and that we would put kingdom ministry first in our lives. 

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