The King has One Week to Live - Part 7

    April 16, 2019 | Resources | Discussion
    The King has One Week to Live
    Part 7 - The Crucifixion of King Jesus
    Life Group Discussion Guide for
    April 14, 2019
    1. What is your favorite Easter tradition?
    2. Read Mark 15:20-47. What stands out to you most from this passage?
    3. Why do you think we prefer Easter Sunday to Good Friday as a culture?
    4. Jesus suffers pain, rejection, and shame on the cross. What does this say to us about the God that we serve? What does this suggest about our call to pick up our cross and follow Jesus?
    5. What is significant about the fact that the first person to call Jesus the Son of God in the gospel of Mark does so at Jesus’ death (not his resurrection)?  
    6. Spend time together in prayer sharing any prayer needs. Thank God for the mystery of the cross, that an object of shame and death would become a symbol of hope and life in the world.

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