The Heart of Worship 8

    September 22, 2019 | Resources | Discussion

    The Heart of Worship

    Life Group Discussion Guide for

    September 22, 2019

    1. When do you find yourself speaking to God more than you are listening for God? When do you do more listening?
    2. When you don’t have words to express your lament, which Psalms do you rely on for help?
    3. Some Psalms orient us to the world as it should be. How is this helpful to you?
    4. Read Psalm 1. What are other Psalms that describe the world as it should be?
    5. Some Psalms cause disorientation to us by naming the tragedy of the world. Do these provide any encouragement to you when you are struggling with how things are?
    6. Read Psalm 22. How does Jesus’ use of this Psalm inform how we might use other disorienting Psalms?
    7. Some Psalms bring about reorientation to the world. How do you feel when you read about how things will be restored one day in the Kingdom of God?
    8. Read Psalm 56. How do Psalms like this inspire hope in your life?
    9. Offer space for people to share things they may be lamenting. Pray over those items - not asking for God to fix them - but as a way of laying them at the feet of God.

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