Life Group Discussion Questions: Walking The Emmaus Road | April 21, 2024

    April 21, 2024 | Resources | Discussion | Adult by Luke Howard
    PART 3

    Luke Norsworthy

    1. Art restoration can be a slow, delicate process, depending on the age and complexity of the work. In what ways does this translate to the idea of faith deconstruction?
    2. As we live in this tension of remembering and forgetting, what are some things that you think should be held onto and some things that, if let go, could lead to deeper growth?
    3. Have you ever seen people leave the church when they started deconstructing their faith? What do you think prompted the departure and kept them away? 
    4. Have you ever seen a church nurture those undergoing deconstruction? What are some ways our church can support those who doubt?
    5. What are some things we tend to focus on instead of Jesus' resurrection and His commandment to love? How does our focus on these beliefs of secondary importance (not unimportant!) affect our church as a whole?

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