American Idols 1

    October 20, 2019 | Resources | Discussion

    American Idols

    Life Group Discussion Guide for

    October 20, 2019

    1. Who is your favorite...
      1. Singer from the show American Idol?
      2. Musician?
      3. Actor?
      4. Celebrity athlete?
    2. Read Genesis 22:1-19. How do you react to this story? Why is this so off-putting to us?
    3. If God tests and Satan tempts, how do we know the difference when in the midst of a trial? What effect does testing and tempting have on our spiritual health?
    4. What things can and do become idols for us in 21st century America? How do those idols enslave us?
    5. How can we keep our focus on the One True Creator?
    6. We concluded Sunday’s service with a time of prayer. How does prayer work to break the strongholds of idols? How can we find ways to encourage one another in prayer outside of our worship gatherings?
    7. Spend time in prayer together as a group over any strongholds that may be wielding power in lives in the group.

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